NAV CANADA bargaining is underway

The NAV CANADA bargaining team met and exchanged proposals with the employer for the first time on June 18-20.

While wages have not yet been addressed, the bargaining team put forward proposals that reflect the strong mandate that we received from members to address key priorities including better work-life balance and improvements to collective agreement language around telework, leave, and job security.

NAV CANADA representatives put forward a proposal to address an outstanding disagreement over the on-the-job instruction allowance (OJI PAY). In the last round of bargaining, PSAC secured a new premium for employees assigned by management to provide training. Since then, the employer has interpreted this language in a way that unjustly denies our members access to this allowance.

We plan to fight to make sure that this right, and other rights in the collective agreement, are protected and respected.

We also expect the employer to come to the bargaining table with a fair wage offer that recognizes the critical role workers at NAV CANADA play in ensuring the safety and efficiency of air travel, which has become even more important during the post-pandemic recovery of the airline industry.

Keep in touch

The next meeting is scheduled for September 10, 11 and 12. Your support will be crucial as we fight to negotiate a fair contract.

Stay informed and engaged: make sure your contact information is up to date and sign up to receive bargaining updates as we move forward.



July 3, 2024