Bargaining news

April 1, 2022

PSAC is keeping all options on the table to put pressure on Treasury Board after they came to the Common Issues table with an unacceptable wage proposal during negotiations March 28–31. The employer’s offer of 1.5%, 2%, 1.75% and 1.5% over a four-year agreement — averaging 1.7% per year from 2021–2025 — is completely out of touch with soaring inflation across Canada.

April 1, 2022

PSAC is keeping all options on the table to put pressure on Treasury Board after they came to the Common Issues table with an unacceptable wage proposal during negotiations March 28–31. The employer’s offer of 1.5%, 2%, 1.75% and 1.5% over a four-year agreement — averaging 1.7% per year from 2021–2025 — is completely out of touch with soaring inflation across Canada.