Directly Chartered Locals

For more than two decades, the Public Service Alliance of Canada has been welcoming union workers who work outside of the federal public service, federal public service agencies or other federally-regulated or federally-associated employers.

Most of these workers have been organized into locals directly chartered by PSAC.

PSAC now has 70 directly chartered locals (DCLs). Together, these locals represent 30,000 workers covered by 87 negotiated collective agreements. Most of these units are certified under provincial labour legislation and are governed by provincial labour laws.

DCLs range in size and structure. Their unique structures meet the needs of their members. Some DCLs represent workers in a single certified bargaining unit; others have multiple bargaining units. DCL members work in the private sector, municipal governments, the academic sector and many of other sectors across Canada.

What they all have in common is direct affiliation with PSAC rather than affiliation through a PSAC Component.

DCL Tools and Resources

This page is designed as a repository of tools and resources to facilitate the work of DCLs. If there are additional resources that would benefit delivery of services and support to your DCL, please let us know.

University teacher
Connect with your DCL today to get the latest news and updates
University students
PSAC represents 27,000 members working at 25 post-secondary institutions across the country
PSAC flag
PSAC can’t be a strong and effective union without a strong foundation
How to manage the affairs of your local
convention delegate
This section provides a big picture overview of PSAC’s governing structures
Woodbine strike
Your union is known for the strength it has at the negotiating table
Local outreach
PSAC performs a wide variety of functions and provides a diverse array of services
