Membership in Good Standing

Due to a Phoenix pay system problem, members who ought to be in good standing have been rendered not in good standing because their dues have abruptly stopped (despite their continued employment). Unfortunately, it is impossible for Membership Administration to determine if dues have stopped due to a Phoenix glitch or if the member is on leave, retired, etc. 

In order to properly determine delegate entitlement for upcoming conventions; it is imperative that members who are in good standing be correctly reflected as such. A new online form is now available whereby a member can request to remain in good standing in absence of union dues. The same form will serve for both members who are on leave from their substantive position and subject to the PSAC Constitution Section 4, Sub-Section (2) (a) to (k), and the members who have seen their dues cease because of a Phoenix problem. 

Membership Administration will receive, process and respond to the Phoenix-related requests. The Executive Office will receive, process and respond to the non-Phoenix-related requests to remain in good standing as is the usual process under the PSAC Constitution.

Membership in Good Standing Request


June 7, 2017