Contact us

Mailing Address
Public Service Alliance of Canada
233 Gilmour Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0P1

Phone number
1-888-604-PSAC (7722), option 3
1-613-560-4200, option 3
Live calls answered between 7am ET and 5pm ET.

Strike Questions
1-888-604-PSAC (7722), option 3
1-613-560-4200, option 3

Experiencing Phoenix pay issues?
Tell us the details in the form above or visit our Phoenix website.

Media relations

Government Relations and Political Action

Regional offices
PSAC has 23 regional offices offering support to local officers and members.

PSAC has 15 Components organized to bring together members working for the same government department, territory or agency. Components work with local unions to support individual members.

Directly Chartered Locals
View a list of PSAC’s Directly Chartered Locals and Regional Bargaining Units

(including surname at birth, if different from above)
(Personal – not work email. Responses will be sent to personal email addresses.)
(If applicable)
Date of hire
Format: Jul 22 2024
(if applicable)