Victory: Rising Sun workers in BC join PSAC

PSAC welcomes some 30 new members from the Rising Sun Community Residential Facilities Program in Surrey, BC, who will form Directly Chartered Local 22005.

These new members work as residential support workers, licensed practical nurses, case workers, cleaners, counselors and health care aids. They provide transitional supportive housing for men moving to community living after experiencing federal incarceration.

The Community Residential Facilities Program is federally funded through Correctional Service Canada, and Rising Sun is one program among many across the province.

In 2020, Rising Sun workers collectively began to organize to gain better working conditions, and a certification vote was held in July 2021.

The group stood strong while the employer launched a legal challenge against their union drive.

The BC Labour Relations Board ruled in favour of PSAC in November, 2021, ordering that the unionization vote be counted.

Members were unanimous: 100 per cent of ballots cast were in favour of joining PSAC.

A warm welcome to members of DCL 22005, and congratulations on your hard-fought victory!


December 21, 2021