@psac_afpc STRIKE!! The vast majority of the general public loves to trash public servants, give them a reminder of the services we provide
@tfc_tech_170 @psac_afpc It’s illegal and dishonest to mislead members of a union by communicating directly with th…
It’s been four years. Enough is enough. It is more than clear that this government will not budge on offering a fa…
Ça fait quatre ans. Ça suffit. Il est évident que le gouvernement n’offrira pas de dédommagement équitable pour le…
@tfc_tech_170 @psac_afpc They must feel that using a non-collective agreement issue (like Phoenix) as a means to pr…
@tfc_tech_170 @psac_afpc Could they not have offered their own proposal so we have something to work off of? Again…
@tfc_tech_170 @psac_afpc They can give an offer back? I’m not a kool aid drinker both sides should be much closer a…
@tfc_tech_170 @psac_afpc Willing and prepared, but why can they not offer it then? Shouldn’t they offer less money…
@psac_afpc They didn’t actually offer the wage proposal however. We can’t negotiate against ourselves..
@tfc_tech_170 @psac_afpc @ChrisNatPres That is because @marcbriere_marc and Chris are fat cats who like to eat well…
Cette tentative désespérée de l’ARC de tromper et d'influencer nos membres à la veille du vote de grève est totalem…
This desperate attempt by CRA to mislead and influence our members on the eve of the strike vote is completely unac…
@Sacky_McSack @psac_afpc 2 % is below cost of living. And we have taken below cost of living too long. It’s a wag…