@GovCanHealth What about those who work for Fed Govt serving the public? We’re offered no masks, or any protective…
"a recent study found that the adoption of [paid sick leave laws] reduced cases of influenza by 11 percent in their…
@psac_afpc @PSACNCR Yes, and coupled with a managerial culture that does not cast doubts over an employee using said sick leave.
Looking for an effective public policy to help slow colds, flus, or pandemics? ➡️➡️➡️ Paid sick leave for all work…
It's tax season so that means one thing for many public service workers: Phoenix headaches! #canlab
C’est le temps des déclarations de revenus et ça ne veut dire qu’une chose pour de nombreux fonctionnaires : encore…
That feeling when you tell the government they underpaid you by 2300$ and they send you a check for 28K...#burnedbypheonix @psac_afpc
RT @OFLabour: .@Pattycoates: #Bill124 puts public services that Ontarians depend on in jeopardy, increasing staffing pressures fo…
RT @OFLabour: The coalition to defend free and fair #collectivebargaining meeting before the press conference on the filing of th…
Sous la pression de l’opinion publique, le gouvernement fédéral a accepté de reporter le transfert des membres civi…
Buckling under public pressure, the federal government has agreed to delay moving RCMP civilian members onto the di…
@psac_afpc The other unions that signed have accepted the same compensation we're being offered...we're not going t…
Had an impromptu plantgate this morning w sisters from @UHEW70008 to get bargaining info & #strikealert materials o…