In the last few years there has been growing involvement of the PSAC regions, human rights committees, area councils and locals in developing anti-poverty projects. These projects address:
- the impact of cuts to services, social security and affordable housing
- the involvement of PSAC members in community gardens to supplement the diet of low-income families
- poverty among Indigenous people and women
- the rights of racialized communities in Toronto, Montréal, the NCR and Vancouver
- wages and working conditions of precarious workers
- the issue of access for people with disabilities
- the rights of LGBT persons
National Anti-Poverty Projects
Supporting Indigenous Communities
- End Violence Against Women
The Qimaavik Women’s Shelter in Iqaluit, the Missinak Community Centre for Aboriginal women in Quebec, the Dream Catcher project in the Atlantic and the Tse’Koo Huba Yoh transition house in Prince George, BC, accompany Aboriginal women facing violence. In Vancouver’s Lower Eastside, the SJF funds legal services for women survivors of violence.
- Advance Literacy and Education
The Nunavut Literacy Council addresses literacy challenges affecting half of Nunavut’s working age population. In Saskatoon, the Core Neighbourhood Youth Coop offers essential literacy to Aboriginal youth. The Kekegan Initiative in Barrière Lake promotes a community-based way of life and connection with their land.
- Guarantee Food Sustainability
In Happy Valley-Goose Bay, the PSAC regional women’s committee partners with the Labrador Friendship Society to provide meals for families facing difficulties. In Burnt Church, NB, the Esgenoopetitj Environmental and Cultural society encourages youth involvement in food sustainability. The Winnipeg Area Council is supporting a nutritional program for aboriginal youth at the Ndinawe Drop-In Centre.