PSAC mourns victims of Kamloops Indian Residential School

PSAC reaches out to the residents of the Tk’emlups te Secwépemc First Nation, who learned that the remains of 215 children who attended the Kamloops Indian Residential School have been found on the school grounds. Some of the children were as young as three years old.

 “It’s a discovery of unimaginable sadness and pain,” said PSAC National Executive Vice-President Sharon DeSousa. “That these were undocumented deaths adds to the community’s grief.”

“I urge everyone to think of the young people in their lives as you take time to honour and mourn the lives of those children.”

 It has been discovered that as many as 4,100 children died in Indian Residential Schools across the country.

“Canada and Canadians need to acknowledge this disgraceful part of the country’s history and the federal government must follow up with all of the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission," added DeSousa. "Particular attention must be paid to Calls 53-56, which establish the creation and define the operation of a National Council for Reconciliation.”

A National Indian Residential School Crisis Line has been set up to provide support for former Residential School students and those affected. Emotional and crisis referral services are available by calling the 24-hour national crisis line at 1-866-925-4419.


May 28, 2021