PSAC launches campaign in support of public services in the North

Our North – Our Future – Our Public Services

Covering the vast geography of Canada’s three northern territories, PSAC represents more workers than any other union in the region, and more than 30% of the employed population across the north.  Members work for all three levels of government - federal, territorial and municipal - from tiny fly-in hamlets to the large cities of Iqaluit, Yellowknife and Whitehorse.

In all three territories, public services are under threat due to the privatization and contracting out of work. A few public-private partnerships have already been established and are already starting to fail.

When the public services Northerners rely on are moved over to private for-profit corporations, the quality of those services are compromised, and so are the jobs and working conditions of those who provide those services.

In order to defend the excellent public services provided to northerners, and to protect against further privatization, PSAC has launched a major campaign this month. The campaign features members at work in all three territories providing the critical services everyone relies on.  PSAC members know that our future depends on strong public services.  With this campaign, northerners can share in  the value of these services, and the people who provide them. The campaign video can also be seen in Inuktitut. Radio, digital and social media ads round out the suite of materials that ask our audience to pledge their support for a future that includes strong public services.

March 10, 2020