Prime Minister Trudeau’s decision to prorogue Parliament until March 24 puts an abrupt stop to all legislative progress, wiping out nearly all bills that haven’t been passed yet. This includes the Fall Economic Statement — along with its promises of pension fairness for thousands of frontline federal workers, such as border services staff and firefighters, and tax rebates for personal support workers, some of the lowest-paid health care heroes in Canada. 

This isn’t just a delay — it’s a denial of fairness and dignity for workers. While politicians play political games, workers are left waiting for this government, or the next one, to deliver on promises that should never have been in question. 

Despite these setbacks, PSAC remains committed to fight for pension fairness so federal workers can retire with dignity, tax rebates that support health care workers, and real solutions to address racism and discrimination in the workplace while providing justice for all workers. 

While governments stall and squabble, public service workers keep showing up for Canada. So, they shouldn't have to settle for broken promises. That's why we're going to keep pushing until we secure the respect, fairness, and support they deserve. 
