June 19

Renforcement des règles de sécurité : l’AFPC dit non

Le gouvernement fédéral oblige maintenant les fonctionnaires à se soumettre à une vérification de crédit et à fournir leurs empreintes digitales.

June 19

PSAC to challenge new public service security screening rules

PSAC is opposed to the government’s new security screening policy

June 4

L’AFPC est favorable aux recommandations de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation

L’Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada voit d’un très bon œil le rapport final de la Commission et les « Appels à l’action » qui en découlent.

June 4

PSAC welcomes Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s recommendations

The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) is greatly encouraged by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s final report and subsequent  “Calls to Action."

April 26

Aidez les jeunes membres : Participez au sondage

Le Groupe de travail des jeunes membres de l’AFPC veut avoir votre son de cloche.

December 10

Parcs Canada : l’échange de propositions a eu lieu

Le 9 décembre dernier, l’équipe de négociation de l’AFPC à Parcs Canada et l’employeur ont échangé leurs propositions.

Comme tous les autres employeurs au sein de l’appareil gouvernemental fédéral, l’Agence a proposé d’abolir le système d’accumulation des crédits de congé.

December 10

Parks bargaining team exchanges demands with the employer

Members of your PSAC bargaining team met with Parks Canada Agency and exchanged demands with the employer on December 9, 2014.

Amongst the concessions proposed by the employer is an end to accumulated sick leave, the exact same proposal that was given across the Core Public Administration of the Public Service of Canada.

October 30

CCPA report: less wage discrimination in the public sector for women, aboriginals and visible minorities

A new study published by the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) entitled Narrowing the Gap: The difference that public sector wages make reports that there is less wage discrimination for women, aboriginals, and visible minorities in the public sector compared to the private sector.

July 24

Federal court upholds PSAC alternation victory

The Federal Court of Canada recently confirmed the PSAC’s alternation victory by dismissing Treasury Board’s application

May 2

Federal Court of Appeal rules CBSA discriminated against PSAC member Fiona Johnstone by failing to accommodate her family obligations

PSAC is pleased to report that the Federal Court of Appeal has today unanimously upheld the groundbreaking decision of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal


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