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PSAC members remain deeply concerned by their pension plan’s ownership of Revera.
International Human Rights Day is a day to celebrate and recommit to advancing human rights here at home and globally.
For too many workers, harassment and violence are common on the job, especially for women, who are four times more likely to experience violence and harassment than their male colleagues.
The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified deep structural inequalities in our society: the increase in precarious work affecting youth, women and racialized workers; the lack of affordable housing and dr
COVID-19 has been a wake-up call. The pandemic has shown us that we can—and must—find a different way of organizing our society and economy.
When COVID-19 effectively shut down Canada last March, many of us thought the new and bizarre situation would be temporary. Almost a year later, it is clear there is no going back to the way things were. To address the extensive damage done by the pandemic, especially the suffering endured by those already vulnerable to harm because of deep pre-existing structural inequities, major reconstruction is what we need, not a repair job.
PSAC recently concluded a historical round of bargaining on behalf of 130,000 members in the federal public service and negotiated new agreements for members in many other sectors.
The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Union of Veterans Affairs’ Employees (UVAE) are sounding the alarm over ongoing mental health issues at Veterans Affairs’ Canada (VAC) and calli
The Public Service Alliance of Canada supports the legal action taken on behalf of nearly 30,000 past and present federal public service workers who identify as Black, Caribbean or of African descent.
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