Life member nomination form
The Board of Directors of the PSAC has set criteria for granting Life Memberships in the Public Service Alliance of Canada.
Underlying the criteria is the desire to make a PSAC Life Membership a single honour to the recipient, as well as the highest recognition that can be given to a member for outstanding service to the members of the PSAC.
The criteria established are as follows:
The deadline for the submission of applications, to be considered in any one calendar year, is December 31st.
- A Life Membership will only be awarded to a person who is a member of the PSAC at the time the application is made.
- The person nominated for Life Membership shall have made an outstanding contribution to the welfare of PSAC members at any or all levels of the organization.
- The person nominated must have made an outstanding contribution for a period of at least ten years - not necessarily consecutive. It is possible, however, to consider an award for one single outstanding performance if it was something of exemplary value to the organization.
- A member shall be granted applicant status if nominated during a period of lay-off or on leave without pay.
- All applications for Life Membership shall be referred to a Standing Committee on Honours and Awards, made up of three members of the Board of Directors elected by the Board at a regular meeting. This Standing Committee is to review all applications and make appropriate recommendations to the Board.
- All decisions on the awarding of Life Memberships in the PSAC shall, in all circumstances, require a two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors assembled in regular meeting and voting by secret ballot.
- Nominations for Life Membership in the Public Service Alliance of Canada may be made by the National Executive of a Component in respect to any member or executive officer or former member or executive officer of a Component who through personal and devoted efforts in the affairs of the Public Service Alliance has performed exemplary service for the membership of the Public Service Alliance.
- Nominations for Life Membership in the Public Service Alliance of Canada may be made by the National Board of Directors in respect of any member or ex-member of the Board of Directors who through personal and devoted efforts in the affairs of the Public Service Alliance has performed exemplary service for the members of the Public Service Alliance.