Greg McGillis was elected as Regional Executive Vice-President (REVP) in May 2017.
Biographical notes
July 23, 2014
Jack was re-elected at the PSAC North 6th Regional Triennial Convention in June 2017. Jack Bourassa is a lifelong union activist and a dedicated family man.
June 30, 2014
Marianne Hladun was re-elected Prairies Regional Executive Vice-President on April 23, 2017.
June 9, 2014
PSAC Ontario members re-elected Sharon DeSousa as REVP for Ontario on May 28, 2017. Sharon was first elected in May of 2011 to represent PSAC 30,000 members in the province. Desousa is the first racially visible member elected to the Alliance Executive Committee in PSAC's history.