Priorities and Activism
- Being a strong voice for workers of colour to facilitate dialogue and share experiences
- Continuing to raise awareness through education and organizing against all forms of racism including anti-Black racism, anti-Asian racism, racial profiling, environmental racism and Islamophobia
- Expanding and exploring better ways to communicate among workers of colour using social media and email
- Working to make the CLC human rights advisory committee a more effective forum to bring forward the issues of workers of colour
- Advocating for workers of colour and all equity-seeking workers at the CLC Canadian Council
- Working with the other equity vice-presidents to ensure there is an intersectional approach to the human rights movement
- Danielle works with local human rights committees and collaborates with union affiliates to promote equity issues and to eliminate discrimination and racism in the workplace and within the labour movement
- facilitates workshops on human rights, anti-racism and leadership mobilization
- participated in a virtual roundtable at the Fédération des Femmes du Québec’s Transformer nos organisations Forum on practicing intersectionality, in November 2020
- posts and shares information on national and international human rights and social justice issues via Facebook and other social media
- co-chaired the consultation involved in the production of the CLC’s booklet on Islamophobia in the workplace
- created PSAC-Quebec awards recognizing stewards for their contributions and achievements in human rights
- brings her human rights commitment and equity lens to her work on a number of CLC committees such as the convention general resolutions committee and the CLC Women’s Committee
- contributes to the planning of the CLC 2021 Triennial Convention, emphasizing fairness and social justice
- lobbies Members of Parliament on human rights issues
- participated in the 2019 federal Anti-racism consultation
- is actively engaged with the Quebec Federation of Labour’s International Solidarity Committee
- addresses issues of discrimination, harassment and accommodation on the PSAC Montérégie Regional Council
- works with Kairos on its Women of Courage program which brings together women from the global South and Canada for shared analysis, learning, strategizing and social action.
The Public Service Alliance of Canada strongly supports Danielle in her candidacy.