The Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB) has agreed with PSAC and the Union of Taxation Employees that negotiations are at an impasse and has called for the establishment of a Public Interest Commission.
The decision comes after PSAC-UTE declared impasse at the bargaining table following eight months of negotiations with little to no movement on our key demands, along with unacceptable concessions proposed by the Canada Revenue Agency that would roll back working conditions for our members.
CRA took the position that we are not at an impasse, despite refusing to address any key demands and telling PSAC-UTE to wait for months for a response to our wage proposal. Members are grappling with the rising cost of living amidst record inflation and deserve a fair contract now.
This left PSAC-UTE with no choice but to ask the FPSLREB to step in and move the bargaining process forward.
PIC hearing dates pending
The PIC will conduct a hearing, listen to arguments from both parties, and then issue a report with non-binding recommendations.
Once the PIC releases its report, the union will meet to discuss the recommendations, and we could return to the table to resume negotiations or ramp up our mobilization efforts.
Dates have not been set for the PIC hearings, but the board will be appointing a mediator to work with PSAC-UTE and the employer leading up to the hearing.
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