Understanding strikes
This course explains what strikes are and provides basic information about the roles and responsibilities of union members during work stoppages. This includes strike preparedness and what happens when members vote to strike.
Grievances and representation primer
This course covers defending the collective agreement in the workplace, understanding the role of the steward, problem-solving in the workplace, what grievances are and how they work.
Understanding Economics
This course draws heavily on Unifor economist Jim Stanford’s Economics for Everyone. It examines what the economy is and what capitalism is. Topics include: a short history of economics, the basic measurement of the economy, neoliberalism, and the role of unions.
Pensions and Retirement
An overview of retirement pensions (not disability pensions). It explains what pensions are and how they have evolved over time. The course explains different contribution models, including the Public Service Superannuation plan. The course also looks at the power of pension funds and the union’s role in managing them.
Union 101
This course is designed for new members and provides a brief history of unions, an overview of the collective bargaining process, and information on your collective agreement, grievances and union representation. The course explains the role individual members play in the union.
Human rights are worker’s rights
An introduction to human rights, their history, and the work unions do defending them. The course identifies equity-seeking groups and explores some of the issues they experience. The course examines discrimination and its effects, along with harassment and oppression. It explains human rights roles and responsibilities.
Welcome to the PSAC
This course introduces you to your union and to the broader labour movement. You will have a better understanding of how the PSAC works, its structure and your role in the union. Resources and services available to you are explained as well as how you can keep informed and get involved.
Equity groups and the PSAC
An overview of the work PSAC does for members of all equity groups. Each group is identified along with measures taken to address their needs. The course introduces terminology and concepts used in equality work, and explains how pro-active inclusion is part of the work we do.
Introduction to union health and safety
General information about workplace health and safety, including definitions of “health” and “safety” in the workplace context. The course covers the history of health and safety in the workplace, and the roles and responsibilities of employers, workers, and unions.