Alex Silas elected as PSAC-NCR Regional Executive Vice-President

Delegates elected Alex Silas as Regional Executive Vice-President at the 2021 PSAC NCR Regional Triennial Convention. Delegates also elected Chantal Fortin as Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President, and Diane Girouard as Treasurer.

Over 220 delegates, observers and guests participated in the online virtual convention May 13-16.

“We’re going to shake things up, we’re going to push things forward, we’re going to fight to defend and advance the rights of PSAC members and the rights of all workers,” said Silas. “And we’re going to do it together.”

Alex is a member of DCL 71250, Bank of Canada Security Officers. His early involvement in union activism started with organizing with the Young Workers Committee. Alex has been an active mobilizer at PSAC rallies and actions, leading cheers and keeping spirits high. In 2020, Alex stepped into the role of REVP after serving as Alternate REVP.

“I am honoured and humbled to be given this mandate to engage with members on-the-ground, strengthen our locals, innovate how our union communicates, mobilizes, and organizes, and fight for a more just and equitable world. By uniting and working together we will achieve new important gains for members, fight for social, economic, and racial justice in our communities, and meet the challenges ahead with a united front.”

Alex co-chairs the national Official Languages, Young Workers, and Directly Chartered Locals portfolios, and is assigned to the Nav Canada and Parks Canada bargaining units.

“Our union will need to adapt to face the challenges ahead. But we are the ones we’ve been waiting for to bring on that change and we are the ones who will unite to make that change happen. L’union fait la force.”

May 17, 2021