2024 National Triennial Convention: Newly elected leadership, union priorities and update on membership dues

Nearly 600 delegates attending PSAC’s 2024 National Triennial Convention elected new national leadership and adopted important resolutions as the union braces for major fights to protect the rights of workers over the next three years.  

Delegates elected Sharon DeSousa as National President and Alex Silas as National Executive Vice-President (NEVP). DeSousa is the first racialized national president in PSAC’s history. She previously served as PSAC Ontario’s Regional Executive Vice-President from 2011 to 2020 and as PSAC’s National Executive Vice-President from 2020 to 2024. 

“I am honoured by the support and confidence members have placed in me to lead our union through the challenges ahead,” said Sharon DeSousa, PSAC National President. “Our solidarity makes us stronger, and we will need to be more united and resilient than ever before as we fight to uphold justice and the rights of workers so that every member, in every corner of the country, is treated with dignity and respect.” 

Delegates adopted a progressive budget that prepares PSAC for the challenges ahead – from the threat of an anti-worker Poilievre Conversative government to the fight for telework, and more support to mobilize members across the country.  

Delegates debated and adopted resolutions to step up the fight for telework, national campaigns to oppose the privatization of Canada’s public health care and to fight for affordable child care for precarious workers, an increase in strike pay to empower workers for the fights ahead, and more forums for workers to advocate for the issues that matter most to workers with funding for a conference for members in the North and additional delegate seats to PSAC’s  health and safety conference. 

Members also passed resolutions to strengthen PSAC’s efforts on diversity, inclusion and human rights, calling for a national campaign to pressure governments to search for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit people in Canada, renew PSAC’s call for the federal government to take urgent action on the Israel-Palestine conflict, and a national campaign to combat environmental racism.  

Silas is the first young worker and member of a Directly Chartered Local to be elected to PSAC’s national executive. Since 2020, he served as Regional Executive Vice-President for the National Capital Region. 

“It has been a privilege to serve PSAC members in the NCR, and I am humbled that members have now put their faith in me as I take on this new role to represent our diverse membership coast-to-coast-to-coast,” said Alex Silas, PSAC NEVP. “Together, we will organize, fight for workers’ rights, and defend those whose voices need to be heard.” 

Convention resolutions impact memberships dues 

Delegates at convention adopted several resolutions with costs associated to them., Some will incur a one-time cost for the three-year cycle starting in 2025, while others will have an ongoing cost.  

Resolutions passed that are tied to campaigns, like the anti-privatization of health care, the commitment to the revitalization and preservation of Indigenous languages and a mental health support study, have a one-time cost associated to them. These one-time costs will increase dues on average by $0.04 per member per month for the cycle.  

Other resolutions, like a commitment to provide more anti-harassment training, an increase of delegates to convention from equity-seeking groups, and a new convention in the North, will initiate a permanent increase to dues. These ongoing costs will increase membership dues on average by $0.09 per member per month.  

Finally, delegates adopted a resolution to increase the daily and maximum weekly strike pay amount by 33.33%. For the majority of PSAC members, this would increase the daily strike pay from $75 to $100, although amounts will vary in some regions. Members’ monthly contributions to PSAC’s strike fund will increase from $1 to $2.20 per month. 


June 26, 2024