Telephone town halls with PSAC members in the PA, SV, TC and EB groups will be held on March 9 and 10. Each call is 30 minutes long and will focus on bargaining and upcoming strike votes.
List of regional telephone town hall
March 9
- Atlantic (English): 6pm EDT
- Ontario (English): 7pm EDT
- Prairies-NWT (English): 8pm EDT
March 10
- Atlantic-Quebec-NCR-Ontario (French): 7pm EDT
- NCR-Quebec-Nunavut (English): 8pm EDT
- BC-Yukon (English): 9pm EDT
You can participate by calling one of the following numbers at the date and time you wish to participate.
English calls: 1-877-229-8493; PIN to join the call - 112560
French calls: 1-877-255-5810; PIN to join the call – 118363
March 6, 2020