Efforts to fix long-term care make waves: Revera officials on the defensive

The campaign to stop private, for-profit long-term care in this country is getting noticed.

PSAC members participated in a town hall with hundreds of concerned citizens and other union activists, sponsored by the Ottawa Health Coalition, to discuss the reasons why for-profit long-term care is not in the best interests of residents, families or Canadians. 

Most PSAC members contribute to the Public Service Pension (PSP) plan through their federal government pension contributions. PSP Investments is the sole owner of Revera, Inc., which is the second largest owner and operator of private, for-profit long-term care homes in the country. Since the start of the pandemic, residents of private long-term care homes have suffered higher rates of infection than residents in publicly owned and operated homes. These residents are also much more likely to die. This is unacceptable.

Since the town hall, thousands of concerned people have sent letters to cabinet ministers and their MPs, demanding that PSP take the steps necessary to put Revera long-term care homes under public ownership and control  so that residents can live and thrive with quality care and dignity. There is no room for profit in health care and our pension plan should not be earning dividends at the expense of the wellbeing of seniors.

If you haven’t done so, send your letter today.

We know that our message is being heard. At two recent meetings, senior pension plan officials were put on the defensive. They claimed Revera is a sound investment with “strong growth potential” that is a “productive asset” that provides “predictable and stable cash flows.” Deaths in Revera homes were called “bad outcomes.”

Our seniors deserve better. PSAC will continue to campaign until all Revera long-term care homes are publicly owned and publicly operated.


October 2, 2020