It sure would! Solidarity to the public sector workers across Alberta ✊ #cdnpoli #canlab #ableg
La négligence de ce gouvernement nous a forcés à intensifier les moyens de pression et à envisager la grève.…
RT @PSACNCR: Everyone deserves equal compensation because of the stress and problems caused by Phoenix. 5 days leave isn’t fair.…
RT @CanadianLabour: This piece is so on point 👇 Pharmacare is in our sights, it’s not time to look away, from @docdanielle &…
@psac_afpc My 27 calls on my own time and Bank of Canada compounded interest until I was paid sounds fair too
The 1-week vacation compensation offered for the #Phoenix disaster is unfair. Since this is possible to cash this l…
Info for PSAC members on today's announcement on Phoenix damages claim process
Info pour nos membres sur l'annonce d'aujourd'hui concernant le processus de remboursement des dépenses occasionnée…
RT @ciu_sdi: Great rally for a fair contract at the Peace Arch border crossing, in B.C., yesterday /// Bell manif au poste front…
RT @CEIU90113: ⚫️On Wednesdays we WEAR BLACK and we will continue to until we get a FAIR CONTRACT!⚫️ @JustinTrudeau @SeamusORegan…
Great to see @psac_afpc members IN ACTION in the community and supporting the Social Justice Fair 2020 #today at th…
@Tommydzum They should be coming out over the next few weeks, we'll send out updates as soon as we get them and have reviewed them.
Nous avons maintenant reçu les recommandations de la CIP sur les questions propres au groupe EB (Enseignement et bi…