@psacnat Does the union have any strategies to compel the employer to get its act together ?
You have all right to be frustrated @MikeMacmillan39. You deserve to receive your pay on time after you have put in hard work. #Phoenix
@psacnat @PSACAtlantic Me and my workmates love doin our jobs everyday . Its this kinda bullshit that makes it hard takin them seriously.
@psacnat @PSACAtlantic I cant waste my spare time workin for people who cant figure out a way of payin me.
@psacnat @PSACAtlantic Since Phoenix came in me and my workmates @ RPOSH CFB HFX havent seen our OT. Why bother workin it ? Foolishness.
@psacnat I asked if get the pdf version of our stubs .. not part of the program now. ?? Wth I thought. old PR sys access allowed 4 pdf.
@psacnat @CTVNewsVI I don't understand why we need to print out slips out why cant we get the pdf version why can't the system email it
The Phoenix pay system continues to plague public servants in British Columbia. #CdnPoli #CanLab
57 years later, mercury at Grassy Narrows must be cleaned up, new report says @psacnat #freegrassy @Kathleen_Wynne
Grève au Vieux-Port : fêtards dans la marina et mariages annulés
RT @CanadianLabour: Écoutez certains des 11 millions de Canadiens sans régime de retraite d’employeur. #meilleurplan
Federal ‘unmuzzling’ has gone beyond government scientists with scrapping of Harper-era system #goc #cdnpoli
RT @MornaBallantyne: Canada's Official Languages Commissioner calls for early learning and child care strategy #cdnchildcare #cdnpoli
Thanks @mpearson78 for thoughtful piece on future of #trans rights in Canada #C16 #FreetoBeMe #cdnpoli #canqueer
Raceway workers heading back to the track -- congrats to our members who persevered @PSACOntario #onpoli #canlab
RT @rabbleca: Public services unions excited about repeal of #C4, but call for interim measures @PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat @CAPE_ACEP