@psac_afpc I agree. With people paying for roads through their taxes and through tolls, it is awful. Those tolls aren’t cheap.
Pleased to know that @psac_afpc will be walking alongside teachers and education workers today in solidarity with t…
After almost 6 years, I decided to take on some new roles with my work. And so today, I became a Union Steward for…
RT @CanadianLabour: "If there’s one thing the American and Canadian governments have in common, it’s their fealty to Big Pharma." C…
It's almost as if the goal of privatization is to increase corporate profits and not benefit the public good... 😒
Racism has long been used to divide the working class. When political leaders try to pit workers' & Indigenous stru…
Hier à Winnipeg : Les manifestants exigent d'Ottawa une rémunération équitable pour tous les membres touchés par le…
RT @GlobalEdmonton: “Financially it’s been pretty tough... A lot of sleepless nights": Federal civil servants lament 4 years of issues…
Today, for the love of the planet we share & for their right to a vibrant future, "12" marches into @psac_afpc.…
Had a great time connecting with members of @UHEW70008 tonight at their AGM! Solidarité! @PSACNCR @psac_afpc @UHEW5…
RT @psacbc: Phoenix was rolled out in Feb 2016. Gov't workers saw their first #burntbyphoenix payday in March. 4 years on, the…
@psac_afpc I am a victim of the privacy breach and the reason I'm even on the list is due to an overpayment that I…
The gov't will need to offer our members more Phoenix compensation and higher wage increases if they hope to reach…
Le gouv. devra offrir aux membres de l’AFPC un meilleur dédommagement pour les ratés de Phénix et de meilleures hau…