Hi @psacnat, I've read a number of stories that refer to an "apology" but haven't been able to find one anywhere. Have you seen it?
The latest The Politics Watch Daily! Thanks to @claudlemire @psacnat @georganneb #rncincle #famousmelaniatrumpquotes
RT @KINGUNENEVP: Federal Unions will not sit idle if the Phoenix system continues to fail #FixPhoenix @psacnat
RT @Bretooo: Tired of reading stories like that. Seriously, why it took so long to acknowledge there was a problem? #FixPhoenix
RT @TMGuthrie: 1/3 of the government employees, 80,000 people How is that acceptable?? #fixphoenix #justwrong #careforyourpeople
Phénix : l'AFPC croit que le gouvernement n'en fait pas assez #ArrangezPhénix #polcan
RT @rankandfileca: 'I can't afford rent or food:' Banff National Park staff not getting paid #canlab #cdnpoli
RT @PSAC901: Way to go Postdoc Bargaining Team, good luck today! #GoTeam! #WeLovePostdocs #YGK @QueensU @PSACNat #solidarity #equity
Way to go Postdoc Bargaining Team, good luck today! #GoTeam! #WeLovePostdocs #YGK @QueensU @PSACNat #solidarity #equity
RT @MoUrrutiaCAN: #PMyouthcouncil should pressure to #fixphoenix now as 80,000 folks including students are having pay issues. @psacbc @psacnat
L'AFPC a déjà intenté des recours judiciaires, lisez: Des paies erronées pour 80 000 fonctionnaires #ArrangezPhénix
#PMyouthcouncil should pressure to #fixphoenix now as 80,000 folks including students are having pay issues. @psacbc @psacnat
RT @PhoenixAZTopNws: 580 CFRA News Talk Radio :: Union warns action over Phoenix pay system debacle :: News - Article via @psacnat
RT @MoUrrutiaCAN: #PMyouthcouncil should direct all TB depts 2 unfeeeze term policy and provide stable work 2 federal public servants. @psacbc @psacnat
#PMyouthcouncil should direct all TB depts 2 unfeeeze term policy and provide stable work 2 federal public servants. @psacbc @psacnat
RT @mindingottawa: 9000 staff, 4000 calls to staff counsellors: @HealthCanada sounds miserable at #cdnpoli @psacnat
Entrevue avec @larryrousseau : Des ennuis avec la paie d'au moins 80 000 fonctionnaires #ArrangezPhénix #polcan