This included gay civil service workers. Many were PSAC members.
#fixphoenix is NOT related to the ability of the Publc Servants to input comp. time in Peoplesoft - managers should allow input! @psacnat
@doraleemememe @psacnat @PWGSC_TPSGC There are sea going personnel in coast Guard owed up to $30,000 and they are frustrated.
@Comelo1972 @psacnat @PWGSC_TPSGC BRUTAL ILLEGAL Disgusting situation. Bet Judy Foote & PM are paid.
@doraleemememe @psacnat @PWGSC_TPSGC I have several people who are not getting paid and had emergency pays clawed back next pay. Rough stuff
@Comelo1972 @psacnat @PWGSC_TPSGC yesterday was paid correctly (well paid close 2 correct, they can't seem 2 tell me if it's right) (3)
@doraleemememe @psacnat @PWGSC_TPSGC Managers here are unable to assist.I'm getting my base pay but am owed $1000's in errors.Not a priority
RT @LeDroitca: En mémoire des ouvriers décédés sur le pont du chemin Heron #ottawa #gatineau
@Comelo1972 @psacnat @PWGSC_TPSGC Then a second time I was randomly not paid again, and then issued "salary advance" on payday (2)
@psacnat @PWGSC_TPSGC they said this time line is for issues prior to June. What about issues with yesterday's pay and the issues in July.?
If having #Phoenix pay problems, call or fill in form, says PSPC, case will be dealt within the time frame provided
@Comelo1972 @psacnat @PWGSC_TPSGC Have u gone 2 your manager? I didn't get paid randomly, got emergency pay. Then paid properly (1)
RT @iciottgat: Phénix : 77 personnes qui rapportent des problèmes de paye, sont introuvables dans le système #iciottgat
@psacnat @Comelo1972 @PWGSC_TPSGC She said "hoped" to be resolved by October. While she chuckled. #FixPhoenix #PhoenixFalling
Le gouv réaffirme que les ratées vont coûter entre 15 et 20 millions... jusqu'à maintenant. La facture peut encore grimper #ArrangezPhénix
@Comelo1972 @PWGSC_TPSGC the dept says there are time frames for each priority level. Priority three cases will only be solved by October
@psacnat @PWGSC_TPSGC The feedback forms do not get answered. You get an automated response. Then nothing. Waiting for months on backpay