Now on CFRA with Evan Solomon, @ChrisAylwardVP reacts to the latest government update on Phoenix #FixPhoenix
@PIPSC_IPFPC @psacnat @ipoliticsca Are they slowly curbing problems?Or are they eating at the 80,000 pre June issues & not reporting new #'s
Système de paye Phénix : 90 % des dossiers ne sont pas encore réglés #ArrangezPhénix #gc
RT @1310NEWS: NOW: @ChrisAylwardVP talks about #Phoenix payroll and new developments. Litsen LIVE:
RT @PIPSC_IPFPC: Gov't slowly curbing #Phoenix problems. Costs to fix the system continue to soar via @ipoliticsca #pay #cdnpoli
RT @OttawaCitizen: $25 million and counting: Price tag continues to rise for Phoenix fixes
@psacnat Exactly; time for our gov't to (re)employ as many of these pers as necessary. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
@SwimBikeRun_RMc the problem is, they laid off 2700 experienced compensation advisors
ADM Rosanna Di Paolo said everything was "fine" when comp advisors asked for more time a year ago #FixPhoenix
@psacnat There should be enough people put in place to work 24/7 to resolve these problems.
Sous-min. affirme ne pas s’être douté des problèmes de #Phénix. Pourtant nous les avons prévenus à plusieurs reprises. #ArrangezPhénix #gc
RT @Comelo1972: @psacnat they can not.They are already telling us new problems won't be looked at till after October. Dep min @marlemay1 needs to face facts
RT @Comelo1972: @CBCKatie @psacnat 80,000 was as of June. How many more have come up in July and August. I have submitted 10 par forms myself.
RT @Comelo1972: @psacnat 69 new priority 1 cases but what about existing priority 1's that continue to be unresolved @MarLemay1 @judy_foote