Le gouv réaffirme qu'ils n'utiliseront pas l'ancien système en parallèle. Disent qu'ils n'ont plus assez de conseillers à la paye
RT @ShannanLittle: It's apparent that the govt has no idea what to do about impacted credit ratings because of the #phoenixpaysystem failures. #fixphoenix
Another reminder: the gov't laid off 2,700 experienced compensation advisors. And is now desperately trying to hire some back. #FixPhoenix
Government is trying to figure out how to help people whose credit ratings have been damaged -- no clear answers #Phoenix #FixPhoenix #goc
Question de Paul Gaboury du Droit: Que ferez-vs pour ceux qui ont vu leur cote de crédit affectée? Le gouv ne semble pas avoir de réponse
Reporter asks what gov't will do to fix the credit ratings of people who have missed payments due to no pay #Phoenix #FixPhoenix #goc
Mise à jour du gouv: il y a 47 nouveaux cas d'employés non-payés depuis la dernière MAJ. Ils devraient être payés auj ou à la prochaine paye
RT @AshleyBurkeCBC: Lemay says issues with Phoenix outage yesterday cost gov't valuable processing time. Her dept & shared services working to mitigate problem
RT @rachaiello: The claims office for public servants has now been set up at TBS. Here's what will be eligible: #Phoenix
RT @rachaiello: TBS want employees to claim anything they think counts and then officers in the bureau will help them determine what counts. #Phoenix
RT @alisoncrawford5: TBS official says claims will be settled on receipts for costs incurred yet she sounds like there's some flexibility in system. #hw
RT @alisoncrawford5: I'd recommend starting here, if you need compensation for your #Phoenix screw ups: #hw
RT @StPierreGu: Fiasco Phenix: Ottawa a mis en place un nouveau processus de réclamation pour les employés touchés.