It is an ongoing queue, transactions/pay problems come in and out every day, says Lemay #FixPhoenix
Si vs avez été trop payés et si vs voulez éviter des problèmes d'impôts, vs pouvez redonner les montants au gouv avant la fin de l'année
@psacnat Is that the backlog from July 1? What about cases that occurred since then...
Reporter asks about Priority 3 cases that have come forward since July and Lemay will still not answer how many there are #FixPhoenix
Next technical briefing will provide more info about what "steady state" with #Phoenix will look like #FixPhoenix
Recovery of overpayments. If employees want to repay before Dec 31st to avoid tax problems, call the call centre or CRA website #FixPhoenix
Mise à jour du gouvernement: 41 nouveaux cas d'employés pas payés. Ils le seront aujourd'hui ou à la prochaine paye #ArrangezPhénix
Govt says they are doing more training and improving training materials. #FixPhoenix
Updated pay stubs, made more technical changes. They are looking at how to improve pay stubs #FixPhoenix
@psacnat Will they give an answer on unresolved issues outstanding since June. They are still avoiding giving an answer