Tip of the day: get your kids to make pizza full of veggies. Tweet us at #hpHealthySelfie to join movement! @PSGives_SPDonne @psacnat
Many thanks to Tom Lindsey for standing up for workers in Manitoba. Time to call my MLA! @psacprairies @psacnat...
@psacnat I am term now and I am wondering about the waiting period for the PSHCP. Is it 6 months or 3? 🤔
Support 16 of Canadas most trusted charities: adopt a healthy lifestyle! Share your #hpHealthySelfie for a @fitbit! @psacnat
Tip of the day: get your kids to make pizza🌶🍆🍕🍅 full of veggies. Tweet us at #hpHealthySelfie to join movement! @PSGives_SPDonne @psacnat
Some @QueensU researchers don't get paid enough to afford rent, food, childcare. Need foodbank. Do the right thing!…
La responsable du système de paye Phénix est mutée #ArrangezPhénix #polcan #gc
RT @Ottawapalooza: Getting close to end October, time to #fixphoenix and they're hiring more people. This will be fix when? 2020?…
Getting close to end October, time to #fixphoenix and they're hiring more people. This will be fix when? 2020?…
RT @utesei: @Young__Tulip @psacnat CRA has 150 days to implement the provisions. UTE has a phone & contact for Phoenix issues should they arise.
Truc: faites pizza remplie de légumes avec vos enfants. Partagez votre #PoseSantéPS; faites partie du mouvement! @PSGives_SPDonne @psacnat
@Young__Tulip @psacnat CRA has 150 days to implement the provisions. UTE has a phone & contact for Phoenix issues should they arise.
We are challenging you: have a healthy potluck lunch with your colleagues. Tweet your #hpHealthySelfie to show us! @PSGives_SPDonne @psacnat
RT @ChrisAylwardVP: In St. John's meeting with CEIU members talking about issues affecting them. @psacnat @PSACAtlantic