@psac_afpc Would it be possible for PSAC to provide a template for requesting to work from home when we know our ro…
@nytpolitics @Laurie_Garrett @psac_afpc @ceiuseic Sounds Familiar 🇨🇦🦠😬🤦🏾#WorkFromHome #cdnpoli #COVID19
@psac_afpc Corrections is not allowing clerical to stay home. We are being told to attend work unless sick!
Quebec will provide $573 per week for workers in isolation who don't qualify for other income compensation measures…
Les travailleurs autonomes ou salariés qui n'ont pas accès à l'assurance-emploi pourront recevoir jusqu'à 573 $ par…
@psac_afpc I'm a PSAC member&my spouse is working for the fdrl gov't on contract; these wrkrs now given the choice…
@TBS_Canada @psac_afpc How do you know if you are "critical staff?" Is there a list somewhere? It sounds like a l…
Only "critical" staff should have to go into work. Please speak to your manager or local union representative if th…
« Il n’est jamais trop tard pour bien faire, c’est une excellente nouvelle, c’est ce qu’on souhaitait, c’est ce qu’…
@RobynUrback @TBS_Canada @psac_afpc Umm.Maybe if CBSA public facing staff had full PPE they could do their jobs eff…
@CBCAlerts @CBCNews @psac_afpc @ceiuseic is PPE mandatory for CBSA staff?!! #CoronavirusOutbreak #cdnpoli #CoronavirusPandemic
@psac_afpc no communication in my office this morning. no hand sanitizer. unsafe. not essential. not able to telework.
@psac_afpc Glad to see the PSAC taking a constructive role. This is absolutely an imperative.
@psac_afpc @HonAhmedHussen @PattyHajdu @CBCAlerts @OttawaCitizen @ceiuseic Emergency line had NO updates for staff…
RT @SCT_Canada: 1/3 Les gestionnaires doivent envisager le télétravail pour tous leurs employés, à tous les emplacements de travail…
RT @TBS_Canada: 1/3 Managers are to consider telework for all employees, at all work sites, and identify an approach that is flexib…
Unions matter. I'm off work for the next three weeks, but will be fully compensated. This is thanks in large part t…
RT @SPAC_PSPC: Mise à jour aux employés de SPAC - Veuillez travailler de la maison si vous le pouvez. Vous pourrez venir au bureau…