@psacnat @PSACOntario #Equality please help share, sign the petition - #wedonotexpire
RT @Jill__Robinson: In Toronto at the 2017 PSAC National Equity Conference to keep the fires burning. #equality
RT @laurbaert: Our message was loud and clear: WE WON'T GO BACK!! @BensonRobyn @psacnat #Equality #canlab #union #cdnpoli #neverthelessSHEpersisted
RT @MsLyndaMac: Let's talk about how to move forward for #Equality for all at the PSAC National Equity Conference #Solidarity
RT @MarkAAABrown: Enjoying the 2017 PSAC National Equity Conference with my @CBTU_Canada Sister @LadyjoannJoan #Equality…
Let’s talk about how to move forward demands for #equality, respect. Let’s raise our expectations of what's possible @BensonRobyn
Our message was loud and clear: WE WON'T GO BACK!! @BensonRobyn @psacnat #Equality #canlab #union #cdnpoli #neverthelessSHEpersisted
Struggle for #equality is difficult but I am incredibly optimistic. This year was welcomed with the largest actions in decades @BensonRobyn
RT @laurbaert: So happy to be attending this 2017 @psacnat Equality At Work conference! #canlab #Equality #humanrights
Chacun d'entre nous ici à cette conférence doit contribuer à bâtir un vaste mouvement pour l'égalité @BensonRobyn…
So happy to be attending this 2017 @psacnat Equality At Work conference! #canlab #Equality #humanrights
All of us here at this conference must help build a broad movement for equality @BensonRobyn #Equality
In every workplace, in every round of collective bargaining, we must find ways to bring down the barriers to equality @BensonRobyn #Equality
We need bold thinking and bold action, we can’t rely on gov. All of us will have to step up to the plate @BensonRobyn #Equality
RT @KrystyMunns: Sister @BensonRobyn our fearless leader speaking at the PSAC National Equity Conference. @psacnat #equality…
As a union, we're in a unique position to act. We have strength, resources. Most important: we're an organized force @BensonRobyn #Equality
.@BensonRobyn welcomes delegates, thanks them for ongoing dedication and activism #equality
Sister @BensonRobyn our fearless leader speaking at the PSAC National Equity Conference. @psacnat #equality…
@psacnat #equality Sister Robyn Benson addresses #equalityatwork and where Human Rights owns the floor and the stag…