Members of @psacprairies @psacnat are at Minister @jimcarr_wpg’s office in Winnipeg to talk to him about #phoenix p…
RT @PSACNCR: We’re at David McGuinty’s office and today- we want a letter sent to Joyce Murray president of TB - fair contract n…
@JustinTrudeau federal employees have suffered enough with phoenix....negotiate in good will and sign our contracts @psacnat
@psacnat @JustinTrudeau Yeah right. There will still be no fair contract in place by this time next year.
Hey looks like -#TBS is recruiting 'wizards' to work on the colossal failure that is the #Phoenix Pay system. Feder…
@psacnat pay attention to what I am saying here. I know I am not the only leader who feels this way. If my hard hea…
@psacnat @JustinTrudeau All we’ve ever gotten for a wage increase has been less then 1% and it takes us 4 years to…
Super stoked to be @broadbentinstitute #broadbent2019! Looking forward to engaging in discussion w leaders from acr…
@psacnat @JustinTrudeau What about the never-worked-anyway #phoenixpaysystem? The bf is coming to his two year anni…
@psacnat @JustinTrudeau I don’t know about you but I haven’t been paid for many years thanks to Phenix!
@Dar_the_Star_17 @psacnat @JustinTrudeau Fair bargaining is a give and take on both sides. What our union does is D…
@Dar_the_Star_17 @psacnat @JustinTrudeau He doesn't give a rats ass about us and it's blatantly obvious. His lies w…
@psacnat @JustinTrudeau @JustinTrudeau I asked you nicely to bargain fairly when we met on Monday, please don't run…
@JoAshnest @psacnat Engaged members of your locAl. Without that it's a handful of members who will burn out doing a…