Programs Section

September 16, 2013
AGR Insurance Brokers Inc. and its affiliated brokers have partnered with PSAC since 1985. Through this partnership we are able to offer a discounted home and auto insurance program specifically designed for you.
September 16, 2013
Delta Hotels across Canada offer preferential rates to PSAC members. To access the special rates or for information, please call 1-800-268-1133 or visit their website at
September 13, 2013
Anyone who must stop work due to the internal complaint process, a work refusal or the direction of a health and safety officer are to be paid until work resumes or until the end of their shift. Those due to work on the next scheduled work period or shift shall also be paid unless they have been given at least one hour’s notice not to go to work (s.128.1(1) and (2)). An employer may assign reasonable alternative work to workers who are deemed to be at work (s.128.1(3)).
September 13, 2013
The Canada Labour Code gives employees the right to refuse dangerous work. Here are some guidelines:
September 13, 2013
“Danger” includes any existing or potential hazard or condition or any current or future activity that could reasonably be expected to cause injury or illness to a person. Two key concepts are: “potential hazard or condition” and “any current or future activity”. However there has to be a reasonable expectation of an injury or illness before the hazard or condition can be corrected, or the activity altered, or before workers can exercise their right to refuse unsafe work (s.122(1)).  
September 13, 2013
The Hierarchy of Controls refers to primary prevention for hazards in the workplace.  Not all workplace controls are equal. Those controls which focus on the source of the hazard – elimination, substitution or isolation of the hazard – are generally the most effective means of preventing and controlling worker exposure. Where possible, controls at the source should be a union priority.
September 13, 2013
This process has to be used before other recourses available under Part II of the Code, except for the right to refuse dangerous work and the right of pregnant or nursing workers to temporarily withdraw from dangerous work.
September 13, 2013
The Joint Workplace Health and Safety Committee is to be involved in all investigations, and these will include incident/injury investigations, and similarly a Health and Safety Representative will be involved in all investigations, including incident/injury investigations. The Co-chairs of the Workplace Committee will appoint the member or members of the Committee that shall participate in such investigations.
September 13, 2013
Committees made up of union and employer appointed representatives need to be established in every workplace that normally directly employs 20 workers or more, according to Section 135 of the Canada Labour Code Part II. Policy health and safety committees must be established where an employer has 300 or more employees. This committee takes a more strategic approach to health and safety in an organization by dealing with global issues.
September 13, 2013
Who is responsible for health and safety in the workplace? The employer. However, that responsibility includes a number of specific responsibilities. But ensuring the employer lives up to their responsibility takes work. From everyone. From union representatives to individual members of the union, we all need not only to enjoy our rights but also to know when they are being violated.

