It’s so important for PSAC members and Canadians to support parties that will continue to build and fund a universal, accessible and affordable child care system that reduces fees, creates more child care spots, helps women return to work and provide fair wages to chronically underpaid early childhood educators.
More than ever it’s clear we need a government that will make social and economic gender equity a national priority and put women at the forefront of a pandemic recovery that leaves no one behind.
The federal government must show they have learned the most important lesson of this pandemic in their 2021 budget – it is time to make real, lasting, and systemic change that will improve the lives of workers.
This International Women’s Day, PSAC recognizes the strength and resiliency of women each and every day. The global pandemic has disproportionately impacted women.
In our submission to the Ministry of Finance’s consultation on the 2021 Budget, the Public Service Alliance of Canada made recommendations that the Government of Canada put in place programs and in
New mandate letters issued to federal ministers build on the previous commitments made by the Trudeau government and chart new plans to address the
October 7 is the World Day for Decent Work – an annual day when trade unionists across the globe stand up for decent work. This year, in the midst of a global pandemic, the international labour movement is looking for a renewed commitment to a decent work agenda that takes care of all.
In this week’s Speech from the Throne, the federal government laid the foundations for its vision of Canada’s economic reco
PSAC welcomes the Trudeau government’s commitment to building a national early learning and child care.
As the country reopens and people get back to work, PSAC members, like many other Canadians, are worried about the care of
We commit ourselves to a plan to move Forward Together and come out of this crisis even stronger.
The Canadian economy is slowly reopening but many individuals, especially women, will be unable to return to the paid workf