Canada’s main political parties – the Bloc Québécois, Conservatives, Greens, Liberals and NDP - have released their full electoral platforms.
PSAC has carefully reviewed each platform, focusing on issues that PSAC members have told their union are important to them.
The Bloc Québécois platform is almost entirely centered on provincial issues.
The Conservative Party platform has many areas that give PSAC members reason to be very concerned.
The Green Party platform has ambitious climate goals but is missing a lot of detail.
The Liberal platform contains commitments on many issues that members have told PSAC are important, but also does not address other significant issues like privatization and contracting out.
The NDP platform contains realistic commitments on all the major issues PSAC members have told us are important.
For PSAC’s full analysis, select the issues that matter to you and the table will show you what each party has committed to do if elected.
The full platforms are available from the party websites here: