Are you registered to vote?
Check to see if you are registered to vote before Tuesday, September 14, 6:00pm
Make your plan
Check out the different ways and places you can vote – in person, by mail, in an advance poll, on election day.
Elections Canada offices: Offices are open seven days a week, every day until Tuesday, September 14 at 6:00 pm.
Advance polls: Friday, September 10 to Monday September 13 inclusive from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm
Election day: Monday, September 20 at your polling station. Check your local polling station for details.
Staying safe when you vote
Elections Canada is taking precautions to protect you when you vote in person.
Voting by mail
If you’d like to vote by mail, the deadline to ask Elections Canada for a mail-in ballot is Tuesday, September 14, 6:00 pm.
But don’t wait too long – Elections Canada must receive your ballot by election day September 20 for it to be counted.
Accessible voting
Elections Canada has options for anyone needing accessible voting.
Students voting
Which address do you consider “home” to vote. Elections Canada has the answer.
Voter ID
Here is the identification you will need to vote.