Bargaining news

February 15, 2024

Treasury Board informed PSAC they will be making changes to the Program and Administrative Services Occupational Group Structure (OGS) review timeline and next steps due to their continued inability to meet the target date of June 24, 2024. Treasury Board is unable to provide a new target date at this time. 

February 14, 2024

PSAC-UNDE bargaining teams for striking NPF workers will return to the bargaining table next week with the assistance of a mediator, following a busy week of continued escalations and pressure on the employer and federal government to reach a fair contract for our more than 500 members. 

February 9, 2024

With the Non-Public Funds (NPF) strike in the fourth week, members on the line are seeing  pressure tactics and intimidation from both the employer and police, and the increasing use of replacement workers — civilian workers on military bases in Bagotville, Kingston, Montreal, Ottawa, Petawawa, St. Jean, and Valcartier continue to fight for fair wages in line with the core public service, a national pay grid, and better job security.