Nouvelles des négociations

Mises à jour
This week, PSAC’s Parks bargaining team will be returning to Ottawa to negotiate with Parks Canada representatives. Meetings will take place over three days from April 30 to May 2.
After more than ten months of bargaining defined by delays, insulting offers and frustratingly slow progress towards a fair contract, PSAC’s bargaining teams are giving the government one last chance at the negotiating table.
The Joint Committee on rates of pay for ED-EST (12 months) have reached an agreement on a recommendation for a national rate of pay for 12 month ED-EST teachers.
The bargaining team representing PSAC-Government Services Union (PSAC-GSU) members at the Royal Canadian Mint held a bargaining session on April 1-4 in Ottawa.
The PSAC-UTE bargaining team representing members at the CRA held talks with the employer between April 2 and 4. The session was held in the presence of a federal mediator.
For weeks, PSAC members across the country have been ramping up pressure on the Trudeau government to deliver a fair deal when bargaining resumes later this month.
PSAC’s bargaining team representing members at the CFIA held a second bargaining session for a new collective agreement between March 26 and 28.
PSAC only saw small movement from the government despite a rapidly closing window for Prime Minister Trudeau to deliver on his commitment to public service workers.
Right now, Research Assistants at Queen’s University in Kingston are working to achieve their first collective agreement.
With over 140,000 PSAC members at the bargaining table with the Trudeau government, PSAC President Chris Aylward and Vice-President Magali Picard are currently doing a cross-country mobilization to
Negotiations with Parks Canada continued at a slow pace
The clock is ticking for the Trudeau Liberals as PSAC’s four bargaining teams representing 90,000 workers covered by Treasury Board resume negotiations with the government between March 19 and 21.
Approximately 100 members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC-Quebec) blocked the entrance at 1550 Avenue D’Estimauville in Québec City where more than 700 public service employees work.
PSAC’s bargaining team representing members at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency kicked off a new round of bargaining in Ottawa between February 26 and 28.
Parks Canada members are headed back to the table next week from March 12 to 14 in Ottawa.
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